If you're looking for more than just a few items or need something specific we don't currently have in the studio, get in touch with us to enquire on custom or specific orders. For larger orders we will put together a 40ft container specifically; for smaller ones we will try to consolidate orders to get everyone exactly what they want
We keep an ever rotating stock of a selection of sets and individual pieces in our studio here on the Island in Falmouth. If you'd like to come and see the current stock and feel the materials for yourself, get in touch with us to set up a time. Everything in the studio is available for purchase on the spot.
We bring in new containers every few months as needed, but particularly over the summer in time for the ramp up of Antigua's season each November. We are more than happy to bring in any pieces in the catalogue by special request along with the next shipment. For larger orders we'll accelerate the next shipment and for larger orders still, we'll put together a specific container load for you.
We're also very happy to meet with you to help curate and select the best pieces for your setting. Get in touch with us and we'll be happy to work through your ideas with you in our studio (so you can see and feel the materials for yourself) as well as on site at your villa so we can jointly measure up and select the best sets and pieces for you. Get more details by visiting the hospitality & Gallery section.